🎁 Boxing Day Bonanza – Deals You Can't Miss! 🎉

Celebrate Boxing Day with incredible savings at iCoverLover! Our 2024 Boxing Day Deals is packed with must-have items to kickstart your new year in style. Whether you’re after trendy phone cases, robust screen protectors, lightning-fast chargers, or car mounts, we’ve got the perfect deals for you.

🎉 Find fun post-Christmas treats, Secret Santa leftovers, and even handy accessories for your tech arsenal. Don’t miss out—shop now to grab unbeatable prices and make the most of the season!

*The savings/discounts shown represent the maximum possible saving available for the product/s shown as compared to the reference price. The reference price for these savings are (1) the price at which we have previously sold the product (‘Was’), (2) the price at which an exclusive product is offered for sale by iCoverLover.com.au through other non-discount retail channels (‘Standard Retail Price/SRP’), (3) the price at which an Australian retailer has recently advertised the product or (4) a price nominated by the manufacturer as their recommended retail price (‘RRP’). All offers are while stocks last. Prices, availability and shipping are correct at the time of sending and are subject to change.

Don't Miss Out! Boxing Day party expires 11:59PM (AEST) 31 December 2024 unless extended.